I cycled through France & Spain for 1 month, here are my 10 preferred, cycling-friendly places to stay

Departure day in Paris, on June 15th

Bikepacking is one of the latest trends in cycling-land, like gravel racing or the development of the e-bike. Interestingly, these various trends all play towards individuals’ desire for more freedom and discovery, away from performance and technicality.

As I was going through a phase of professional transition, a break in which some thinking time was very welcome, I took the opportunity to embark on a self-organized 2800km #TourdeFranceSolo in 21 stages, spread out over a duration of 1 month.

I set out to a journey that combined visiting family & friends, riding some of this year’s Tour de France stages, and simply testing myself on places I always dreamed to ride in, like the Alpe d’Huez or Mont Ventoux climbs.

Here is a really home-made video of my journey, which I purposefully wanted to keep on paper, and below I’m sharing 10 great places I discovered along the way. I found them through a combination of Les Collectionneurs, Airbnb & Google Maps-based hotel or Bed & Breakfast search. I can reassure you that all of them were very cycling-friendly, which was obviously important for me!

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De la Couverture Médiatique du Sport Féminin (Mémoire de Vanessa Gerst)

"La Course by Tour de France" a été organisée pour la première fois en 2014, et a été remportée par Marianne Vos (image via pelotonmagazine.com)

“La Course by Tour de France” a été organisée pour la première fois en 2014, et a été remportée par Marianne Vos (image via pelotonmagazine.com)

Il y a des pays dans lesquels les femmes peuvent à peine faire partie du public dans des enceintes sportives. Heureusement, ce n’est pas le cas en France, et des efforts sont faits pour promouvoir le sport féminin, à la fois pour les athlètes que pour le public (comme avec La Course, organisée à l’arrivée du Tour de France). Mais il y a encore des inégalités de traitement (couverture médiatique, primes etc.) entre les sports masculins et féminins. Vanessa Gerst, une de mes étudiantes l’année dernière à l’ESSCA, a rendu un très bon mémoire sur le sport féminin dans l’ère du digital. Aujourd’hui stagiaire au sein du pôle Digital & Social Media chez Havas Sports & Entertainment, elle nous explique son travail. En espérant que cela puisse inspirer d’autres étudiants à faire en faire de si bons. Continue reading →

Our Journey to Ironman France 2013


Sunday, I completed Ironman France with a friend in Nice. I crossed the line with a time of 11:01:35 which is a fairly good time for a first participation – especially since I hoped for a sub-12 hours finish time. The weather conditions were almost perfect, which made it a fantastic and well-organized event that was an absolute pleasure to share with the friends that followed us. We also managed to raise 4,610€ for children in South-East Asia, which was an extra boost for both training and racing. In this post, let me briefly present our way to Ironman France: the idea, the training, the event, the race and the learnings. Continue reading →

Help us raise 13,500€ for children in South-East Asia (and finish Ironman France)

Cheering crowd

Enfants du Mékong supporters at the “20km de Paris” race in 2012. That’s were Antoine and I noticed their involvement in sports!

Hello all, I would like to present you a project that we have with a friend: that of competing at Ironman France in June 2013 and – more importantly – raising funds for an NGO called Enfants du Mékong (Children of Mekong). Enfants du Mékong is a French NGO that focuses on helping the youth in South-East Asia, mostly by allowing people to sponsor a child’s education, but also by supporting local development projects like building schools (see map below in this post).

We will participate in the financing of a pre-school in Bou Sra (Cambodgia) which costs 13,500€ to run for 3 years. The more we collect, the easier it will be for Enfants du Mékong to set up the school there… I’d like you to help us achieve our funding goal! Continue reading →