In March: Kit Kat in Japan, Google in India & Elsevier in California


Photo by Spencer Lowell for The New York Times

This month has unfortunately been overshadowed by the passing our my former colleague John, fellow crowdsourcing researcher who worked on the theory of Crowd Capital, and with whom we have explored the geography of Crowd Capital. He was a funny, smart and inspiring individual; may he rest in peace… I’m also sharing a dozen of articles that I found worthwile reading, starting with this fabulous NYT piece about KitKat in Japan.

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My Favorites of March: Stickiness to Uber, Good Relationships & Customer Lifetime Value

Click to see Waldinger’s TED talf on happiness

Just 6 links to articles and videos this month, mostly on digital marketing strategy, but also this great TED talk on happiness across generations and social classes. Robert Waldinger is heading this incredible study – still underway – which tries to identify the most solid predictor of human happiness. In typical TED talk fashion – thank God because academic discourse would have been less exhilarating – he outlines a couple of findings worth having in mind. The best is that his recipes are available to all of us. I hope you’ll find it as useful as I did.
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I’m Happy To Share My Data For Research Purposes (#Crowdsourcing #CoCreation #OpenInnovation #Marketing)

Image via

Image via

We all benefit from sharing knowledge” I like to say. That’s why I initially started this blog, that’s why I keep it alive and blog on other platforms too. That’s also why I chose to share panel data a while ago, which I hope has been used by people to better understand motivations and willingness to engage in online co-creation.

Now I would like to offer 3 more opportunities to benefit from data I’ve gathered over the years – and that I’d hate to see sit idle on my hard drive: the Creatives In The Crowd data (map), the Crowdsourcing Timeline data (timelines), and the “eYeka Research Survey 2014” data (survey). You may use it for academic, market or trend research… truth is that I won’t be able to analyze it all. So let’s discuss! Continue reading →

Merci, Thank You, Danke, Trugarez

Les remerciements après la soutenance, un des moments les plus importants!

Les remerciements après la soutenance!

Voici un long message de remerciement pour beaucoup de personnes! C’est un extrait de mon introduction de thèse, dans laquelle je voudrais exprimer ma gratitude à tous ceux qui ont nourri le travail des 4 dernières années. Lorsqu’on s’engage dans un travail de thèse, on s’engage dans une longue aventure constituée de multiples phases successives. Je ne parle pas uniquement des phases « classiques » du travail de recherche […].

Ces phases m’avaient été enseignées à l’ESSCA Ecole de Management, au sein de laquelle j’ai effectué un mémoire de recherche, grâce à des enseignements méthodologiques très précis. Je voudrais donc remercier mes professeurs à l’ESSCA Ecole de Management pour m’avoir transmis cette curiosité intellectuelle et ces méthodes pour mener à bout un travail de thèse. Je tiens particulièrement à remercier le Professeur Jean-François Lemoine, qui a suivi mon mémoire de fin d’études et m’a ouvert les portes de la Sorbonne en m’encourageant à mener un travail de recherche plus approfondi, plus rigoureux et bien plus engageant que celui de mémoire. Continue reading →

Invitation : Soutenance de Thèse de Doctorat #Crowdsourcing #Marketing

Sorbonne Galerie GersonChers amis, j’ai le grand plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse, qui se tiendra le mercredi 13 janvier 2016 à 14h, en Sorbonne :

“Comprendre la participation des internautes au crowdsourcing : Une étude des antécédents de l’intention de participation à une plateforme créative.”

Ce travail a été conduit sous la direction de Jean-François Lemoine (Professeur, Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne) et le jury sera composé de Madame Emmanuelle Le Nagard-Assayag (Professeure, ESSEC Business School), Monsieur Jean-Marc Decaudin (Professeur, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole), Monsieur Benjamin Morisse (Professeur, ESSCA Ecole de Management), Monsieur François Pétavy (Directeur Général, eYeka) et Monsieur Alexandre Steyer (Professeur, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne). Continue reading →

Recruiting Individuals to a Crowdsourcing Community: Findings From an Ad Copy Test

Video Contest Website Landing PagesRecently, a counterpart contacted me to get some insights about how to attract and activate “solvers” on a platform. That person had validated a business need to create a crowdsourcing platform, but was now looking to assemble the community to respond to the challenges he would launch on its platform. How do you assemble a community? Some tips are already available in this book, but it’s a bit dated. Here are some findings from a project that we just published as a book chapter, along with Daren Brabham and Jean-François Lemoine. Continue reading →