Elon Musk About Using Prize Competitions To Tackle Climate Change #COP21 #ElonSorbonne

Elon Musk at center stage (Richelieu amphitheatre), taking questions from the audience

Elon Musk at center stage (Richelieu amphitheatre), taking questions from the audience

Yesterday, Elon Musk came to the Sorbonne, giving a talk about climate change and the importance to act in favor of the environment. One of the Sorbonne’s constituting universities invited him to present and discuss with students, on the same stage where Morgan Freeman, who plays Professor Samuel Norman, spoke in Lucy (the movie). “[COP21] is a crucial event aiming to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, [and] in parallel to the official negotiations, the civil society is getting ready to demonstrate its mobilization and send a message to the decision makers,” the official invitation said. “In this context, Elon Musk accepted [to] share his vision in front of the students. He will discuss how we can all take meaningful action towards changing the future.Continue reading →

Is The Crowdsourcing World Flat? – #OUI2014

harvard business school

Click to see on Flickr

Today, I presented at Open & User Innovation Conference, at Harvard Business School, with two fellow crowdsourcing researchers from Canada (Prashant Shukla & John Prpic). Our talk, titled “Is the World Flat? Unpacking the Geography of Crowd Capital,” presented early results of a research about crowdsourcing participation across the globe. We’ve received very constructive comments from the audience, and are now looking forward to the rest of the conference. The setting is prestigious enough to make you want to learn about open and user innovation. Continue reading →

Some Thoughts About Crowdsourcing Week Brussels

yannig roth crowdsourcing week brussels

Click above to see more “One Dollar Portraits” from Crowdsourcing Week

On Thursday June 5th, I attended Crowdsourcing Week’s Brussels summit (which ran until Friday June 6th included, but I didn’t stay until then). Organized in Vilvoorde, a couple of miles outside Brussels, the event gathered crowdsourcing professionals, academics, consultants and innovation-interested managers alike.

While the morning was dedicated to crowdfunding (the event was sponsored by BNP Parisbas Fortis!), the afternoon talks addressed a broad set of topics from creative crowdsourcing to 3D-printing. Here’s a selection of the most interesting talks, according to me, given during the day. Find a post about all presentations on CSW’s blog. Continue reading →

Call For Papers: 13th E-Marketing Research Conference (Sorbonne) in September 2014

The Amphithéâtre Oury (or "Amphi de Gestion") where the conference takes place

The Amphithéâtre Oury (or “Amphi de Gestion”) where the conference takes place

Would you like to come to the Sorbonne? Are you teaching and/or research topics related to web-marketing, digital marketing, internet consumption, consumer behavior, or other related topics? On September 12th 2014, the Interdisciplinary Management Research Lab (PRISM) of the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (where I am PhD student) organizes a research conference with the support of the French Marketing Association (AFM) and ESSCA Ecole de Management. Here’s the call for papers. Continue reading →

Crowdsourcing As A Way to Get Creative Ideas and Content – #SEMPL15

Click to see article (PDF)Any Slovenian-speaking readers of this blog? If yes, the click on the image left to read “Množičenje kot način pridobivanja kreativnih idej in vsebin,” which could be translated into “Crowdsourcing as a way to get creative ideas and content,” published in the Slovenian Marketing Magazin before SEMPL15, where I’ll speak about crowdsourcing in video advertising at the end of this month.

Simona Kruhar Gaberšček told me that crowdsourcing doesn’t have a translation in Slovenian, and that they chose to call it množičenje, a word that is almost unknown by Google Search, even though Google Translate tells me it’s close to the Slovenian for Dowel. Anyway. For those of you who don’t talk Slovenian, here’s the translation of the interview (links have been added by myself). Continue reading →

Présentation sur le crowdsourcing à La Cantine Numérique Rennaise

J’ai eu le plaisir d’intervenir à La Cantine Numérique Rennaise hier, dans le cadre d’une rencontre sur le crowdsourcing organisée par le Social Media Club de Rennes. Je viens de mettre ma présentation en ligne:

La rencontre était organisée par Anthony Chénais, et une présentation intéressante a également été faite par Nicolas Kayser-Bril sur le crowdsourcing dans le journalisme et les mouvements citoyens ; passionnant! Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus nous écouter et échanger avec nous, n’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions ou des remarques.

Juste quelques liens utiles (tirés de ma présentation, puisque Slideshare ne copie pas les liens hypertexte visiblement):