Articles I enjoyed in the last five (!) months: Switching jobs, the risk of VC investment & Parisian etiquette

paris etiquetteThe last blog post I wrote about my favorite articles dates 5 months back. It feels like an eternity.

These have been pretty eventful: I switched from one tech company to another, have taken time for myself between both jobs, picked up running quite seriously again, spent a lot of time reading, and – now – we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. Crazy. Let me share 10 tweets from the last five months… which may or may not be related to the above events. Continue reading →

Elon Musk About Using Prize Competitions To Tackle Climate Change #COP21 #ElonSorbonne

Elon Musk at center stage (Richelieu amphitheatre), taking questions from the audience

Elon Musk at center stage (Richelieu amphitheatre), taking questions from the audience

Yesterday, Elon Musk came to the Sorbonne, giving a talk about climate change and the importance to act in favor of the environment. One of the Sorbonne’s constituting universities invited him to present and discuss with students, on the same stage where Morgan Freeman, who plays Professor Samuel Norman, spoke in Lucy (the movie). “[COP21] is a crucial event aiming to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, [and] in parallel to the official negotiations, the civil society is getting ready to demonstrate its mobilization and send a message to the decision makers,” the official invitation said. “In this context, Elon Musk accepted [to] share his vision in front of the students. He will discuss how we can all take meaningful action towards changing the future.Continue reading →

Watch These 10 Awesome Brand Videos Taking Place In Paris

Image via Flickr

Image via Flickr

I love living in Paris, it is such a beautiful and vibrant city. In this post, I simply would like to share a couple of (crowdsourced) brand videos that star the city of light. My work at eYeka (Paris) allows me to see so many creative videos, both on eYeka and on other crowdsourcing platforms, that I just have to spread some of them, and why not take the place I live in as a common thread for all of them? Watch these videos submitted to various crowdsourcing competitions for brands like Microsoft, Lux, Lacoste, Puma and others… and come over visit this beautiful part of the world one day! Continue reading →

My Favorite Readings in April: Crowd Innovation, Some Research Findings & Strong Runners

Click on this photo to read another of my favorite reads of April

Click on this photo to read another of my favorite reads of April

Last month, I started sharing some links that I thought were particularly interesting. I hope you enjoyed the readings about crowds, the academic discussions and some of the videos. Today,  here are some articles and links I have enjoyed in April, or tweets I’d like to share again with you. Continue reading →