Heute erscheint offiziell “Blase Gut – Alles Gut” (vom Blasendoktor) bei Knaur MensSana

Ab heute, dem 14 Januar, ist das Buch “Blase Gut – Alles Gut” offiziell beim Droemer Knaur Verlag erhältlich. Warum schreibe ich hier auf meinem persönlichen Blog darüber? Nicht etwa weil ich Blasenprobleme habe (und wenn auch?). Ganz einfach: weil ich super stolz auf meinen Dad bin, und über die letzten Monate – ja sogar Jahre – mitverfolgt habe, wieviel ihm an diesem Projekt liegt. Deswegen will ich hier mit euch teilen worum es in diesem Buch geht.

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In February: A couple of books, a cool event format & Ubernomics


Image via Qz.com

This month, I am only sharing a single online article, one about academic research at Uber, and it dates back to October 2018 (it somehow showed up in my Twitter timeline last week). But besides, this month I just write about two books I have finished in February, one about economic warfare and another about information management, as well as a business speed-dating event format I have discovered: les BigBoss. Continue reading →

My Favorites of June: French Workplace, PayPal’s ‘Lost Decade’ & Dumb Smart Contracts

PayPal video FORTUNE screenshot

Screenshot of Fortune’s video (click to watch)

Another busy month, with news like the European soccer event (#Euro2016) and a European shocker decision (#Brexit2016) that made – and still make – he headlines.

I’ve also attended a number of ‘blockchain-for-crowdfunding’ meetings, which I may blog later about, and read some cool stuff.

Here’s some of the cool stuff, summarized for you in the traditional monthly digest. I hope that you share the interest.

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Design Needs To Adapt To Digital Disruption Too (@Damien_Creatif’s Master Thesis)

Damien Henry presenting his work at the "Prix du Mémoire Digital" in Paris, France

Damien Henry presenting his work at the “Prix du Mémoire Digital” in Paris, France

My activity leads me to speak to a lot of Masters or PhD students who explore the crowd economy. Actually, at eYeka we receive so many interview requests that I am now sending standard replies with links to the most common answers (Why do brands crowdsource? Why do consumers participate? etc, for which a lot is available online and in academic literature). But some research projects stand out as really original and interesting. After sharing a good Masters thesis of a student of mine who worked on women’s pro sports, this post is a Q&A with a French designer, Damien Henry, who completed his thesis (not under my supervision).

Entitled “Crowdsourcing: Can Graphic Design Become Uberized?“, his already award-winning thesis is a rare piece of research that explores the pros & cons of crowdsourcing from a designers’ point of view. While I do not endorse all his findings or POVs, I believe it his work is worth being shared beyond the French-speaking world. So I’m translating a slightly edited English transcript of our conversation (images and links have been added by myself). Continue reading →

I’m Happy To Share My Data For Research Purposes (#Crowdsourcing #CoCreation #OpenInnovation #Marketing)

Image via KeepCalm-O-Matic.co.uk

Image via KeepCalm-O-Matic.co.uk

We all benefit from sharing knowledge” I like to say. That’s why I initially started this blog, that’s why I keep it alive and blog on other platforms too. That’s also why I chose to share panel data a while ago, which I hope has been used by people to better understand motivations and willingness to engage in online co-creation.

Now I would like to offer 3 more opportunities to benefit from data I’ve gathered over the years – and that I’d hate to see sit idle on my hard drive: the Creatives In The Crowd data (map), the Crowdsourcing Timeline data (timelines), and the “eYeka Research Survey 2014” data (survey). You may use it for academic, market or trend research… truth is that I won’t be able to analyze it all. So let’s discuss! Continue reading →

Merci, Thank You, Danke, Trugarez

Les remerciements après la soutenance, un des moments les plus importants!

Les remerciements après la soutenance!

Voici un long message de remerciement pour beaucoup de personnes! C’est un extrait de mon introduction de thèse, dans laquelle je voudrais exprimer ma gratitude à tous ceux qui ont nourri le travail des 4 dernières années. Lorsqu’on s’engage dans un travail de thèse, on s’engage dans une longue aventure constituée de multiples phases successives. Je ne parle pas uniquement des phases « classiques » du travail de recherche […].

Ces phases m’avaient été enseignées à l’ESSCA Ecole de Management, au sein de laquelle j’ai effectué un mémoire de recherche, grâce à des enseignements méthodologiques très précis. Je voudrais donc remercier mes professeurs à l’ESSCA Ecole de Management pour m’avoir transmis cette curiosité intellectuelle et ces méthodes pour mener à bout un travail de thèse. Je tiens particulièrement à remercier le Professeur Jean-François Lemoine, qui a suivi mon mémoire de fin d’études et m’a ouvert les portes de la Sorbonne en m’encourageant à mener un travail de recherche plus approfondi, plus rigoureux et bien plus engageant que celui de mémoire. Continue reading →