Why we are launching HIRONDO, the global expert network for marketing (and more)

About 20 months ago, I started freelancing as a fractional and part-time CMO, marketing director, marketer… whatever you call it. My first gig at Optee was full-time and lasted 6 months, the next year I worked in 2 companies part-time, IMPACT+ for 6 months and Driveco for 10 months, and today I work at The Keepers, part-time.

In all those cases, my clients had big goals, limited manpower, little marketing expertise, no one to lead marketing strategically internally, and -as always- lots of lots needs. This is where I came in.

Since I cannot deliver on 100% of marketing myself, I have surrounded myself with trusted experts in CRM, RevOps, design, brand, content, events… with whom I was able to help my clients get where they needed to be. This is how Hirondo, your company’s most reliable marketing partner, started.

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How is marketing impacted by AI? Another discussion with ChatGPT (with concrete, but often incorrect, examples)

Remember that 2 days ago I published a post about Fractional CMOs, Part-time CMOs, Marketing Consultants and Marketing Advisors ? I was quite baffled by the experience. It got me thinking about the value of an experienced marketer in a world where content creation, trend analysis, campaign ideation and many more aspects can be facilitated with – if not outsourced (is there a better term for that?) to – artificial intelligence tools ?

And I asked ChatGPT for some ideas about the impact of AI on marketing leadership, and for concrete brand marketing examples, too. Again, links, videos, emphases & notes in italics have obviously been added by myself, not by OpenAI.

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Fractional CMO, Part-time CMO, Marketing Consultant or Advisor, what is the difference?

I used this image to announce my 2 most recent part-time / fractional CMO advisory gigs (Linkedin). There absolutely no other link with the article content 👇 😂

Today I work for 3 companies as an independent marketing leader (see my Linkedin). Two have rather brand & awareness-related priorities, one has a clear focus on growth & digital. I really enjoy this new way of independent, freelance working. In the last weeks, I have come across 2 French articles (this & this) that describe this new (is it new ?) trend.

I have engaged in a little discussion with ChatGPT to understand the main differences. Let me transcribe out chat below, and add a couple of comments (in italics).

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I cycled through France & Spain for 1 month, here are my 10 preferred, cycling-friendly places to stay

Departure day in Paris, on June 15th

Bikepacking is one of the latest trends in cycling-land, like gravel racing or the development of the e-bike. Interestingly, these various trends all play towards individuals’ desire for more freedom and discovery, away from performance and technicality.

As I was going through a phase of professional transition, a break in which some thinking time was very welcome, I took the opportunity to embark on a self-organized 2800km #TourdeFranceSolo in 21 stages, spread out over a duration of 1 month.

I set out to a journey that combined visiting family & friends, riding some of this year’s Tour de France stages, and simply testing myself on places I always dreamed to ride in, like the Alpe d’Huez or Mont Ventoux climbs.

Here is a really home-made video of my journey, which I purposefully wanted to keep on paper, and below I’m sharing 10 great places I discovered along the way. I found them through a combination of Les Collectionneurs, Airbnb & Google Maps-based hotel or Bed & Breakfast search. I can reassure you that all of them were very cycling-friendly, which was obviously important for me!

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7 Ausschnitte übers glücklich sein, von “Auf Der Suche Nach Dem Sinn” (Knesebeck Verlag)

Spontanes Foto, beim Jobseminar in La Défense, Paris

Vor einigen Monaten haben meine Tante und ich länger telefoniert, und viel über das Leben diskutiert. Ich rede seit einigen Jahre gerne über solche Themen, denn ich merke, wie es mich bereichert und dazu bringt, über den Alltag hinaus nachzudenken.

Darauf schickte sie mir per Post diese Buch, Auf der Suche nach dem Sinn, und ich habe es gerade fertig gelesen. Ich möchte 7 meiner Lieblingspassagen teilen (von insgesamt “40 Gesprächen über das Leben“). Über Lebenszufriedenheit, zu hohe Erwartungen, den Wert der Familie und vieles andere.

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Heute erscheint offiziell “Blase Gut – Alles Gut” (vom Blasendoktor) bei Knaur MensSana

Ab heute, dem 14 Januar, ist das Buch “Blase Gut – Alles Gut” offiziell beim Droemer Knaur Verlag erhältlich. Warum schreibe ich hier auf meinem persönlichen Blog darüber? Nicht etwa weil ich Blasenprobleme habe (und wenn auch?). Ganz einfach: weil ich super stolz auf meinen Dad bin, und über die letzten Monate – ja sogar Jahre – mitverfolgt habe, wieviel ihm an diesem Projekt liegt. Deswegen will ich hier mit euch teilen worum es in diesem Buch geht.

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🎉Happy New Year🥳 – I am grateful for much of what 2021 brought me (some thoughts for 2022)

Guess where this is? The Answer at the end of this post (hint: Eastern European capital).

Last year, I shared new year’s greetings from the beautiful French island of La Réunion, in the Indian Ocean. I would love to to the same again this year, but it’s a less sunny & exotic virtual greeting card that I’m sending (more about it at the end of the post).

As I have been seldom writing recently, I wanted to jolt down some notes about what 2021 brought me. It hasn’t all been good, but overall I feel very grateful for an amazing 365 days, which made me grow as a person, professionally and personally.

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