Une fable numérique à la fois superficielle et profondément inquiétante : “Transparence” de Marc Dugain

Je rentre de vacances sur la côte Atlantique et prends le temps d’écrire – avant de me replonger dans les nombreux projets de la rentrée – quelques lignes sur Transparence, un roman d’anticipation qui place la collecte et l’usage des données personnelles au cœur d’une vision très particulière de notre monde en 2068.

Malheureusement, malgré quelques rebondissements savoureux, l’histoire est assez peu intéressante et une grande partie du livre est dédiée à critiquer de manière peu subtile la société actuelle. Mais j’ai trouvé cette critique parfois très juste, et la vision proposée a certainement de quoi nous faire réfléchir.

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In April: @WSJ about Finance, @TakieDelaRu about Homelessness & @Sunweb’s Indefinite Sponsorship

tom dumoulin

Photo by Tim De Waele, via Cyclingnews.com

Today, Tom Dumoulin rolled into Pink at the Giro d’Italia (held in Jerusalem!). I know, this is May, not April… but I mention this because one of my favorite pieces of news in April is about Sunweb’s sponsorship engagement. His team has signed an unprecedented new agreement with its title sponsor, which will back the team on an indefinite basis. Other cool articles are about artificial intelligence, the evolution of finance in the last 10 years… or a very moving Russian animation about homeless people.

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In November: @Vontz about Strava, @RosabethKanter about Strategy & @WarrenBarguil about Life

Warren BARGUIL (France / Team Sunweb) pictured during the 104th Tour de France 2017 - stage 18 from Briançon to Izoard, 179.50 km - foto VK/PN/Cor Vos © 2017

November’s digest contains 6 articles: 2 about product strategy (Strava & Facebook), 1 about debunking fake viral stories (Facebook), 1 about management, 1 about a prominent cyclist’s outlook on life, and 1 about a really cool photography project. Let me wish you – reader – a great, loving and fulfilling month of December.
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My Favorites of October: Trello’s Product, Calorie Counting & Can Data Dream?

calorie countingIn October, product strategy meets finance and marketing. One of the articles is about the perilous idea of prompting people to walk, especially when it comes to colored pastry comparisons. The last link is about Nike’s design process, more precisely an interview of the apparel brand’s chief design officer, who “doodles all day” while still managing to impart a creative direction to 1,000+ people across the organization. While I did read and enjoy all of this in the last month, I hand it over to you, and spend some time somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Continue reading →

My Favorites of September: Habit-forming companies, Feel-good capitalism & Airbnb’s marketing platform

unilever soap illustration bloomberg

Just 5 articles for September, all about corporate and/or marketing strategy. The two former are generally about the role of marketing in tech companies, which is my job, and the three latter are (almost) case studies about GE, Unilever and Airbnb. These reads are great to take a step back and reflect on long-term vision rather than the daily stuff. It also gives a hint of others’ challenges, how they address(ed) them, which in turn helps you be committed to your own.

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WiSEED a besoin de nouvelles compétences #marketing pour grandir ! #Paris #Toulouse

J’ai toujours été un défenseur de l’innovation ouverte et de la co-création. Chez WiSEED, acteur référent et leader de l’investissement en France, nous avons aussi pour habitude d’impliquer nos clients et partenaires dans la création de valeur. Historiquement, tout d’abord, ou plus récemment, que ça soit pour des fonctionnalités nouvelles, par la création d’un club de clients particulièrement engagés ou pour l’amélioration de services existants. Cette “main tendue” est extrêmement bénéfique, sachant qu’il faut toujours donner en retour. Continue reading →

My Favorites of April: Psychological Tricks, The Value of Tech Brands & Facebook’s News Feed

April was election month in France. But my favorite articles shared this month don’t contain politics, because (1) we yet have to elect our President in the second round, (2) I believe it’s pretty obvious whom to favor, and (3) I’ll try not to turn this blog too much into a political tribune. This past month, I’ve read great stuff about brand building in the tech world (Airbnb), in-app user behavior (Uber) and why Facebook & Google should freak out (Amazon).
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