The Three French Challengers of Quirky

Quirky’s mantra is to “make invention accessible” to all – and it seems to work if you judge by the success of Quirky in the United States. But as soon as you have success, you also start having competition, either globally or locally. A lot of entrepreneurs want to replicate that idea in their respective countries, adapt it, tweak it a bit.

In France, a country that pioneered the concept between 2007 and 2011 with the rise and fall of CrowdSpirit, where I also happen to live and work, collaborative innovation platforms are popping up like mushrooms. What are they called? Who are their founders? What is their model? What are they ambitions? Let’s have a look at Quirky France… and three of their challengers: Nov’in, La Fabrique à Innovations, and MyKompany. Continue reading →

Quirky, le Modèle Industriel le Plus Innovant au Monde?

Image via

Ce billet est une traduction d’un article passionnant que je viens de lire: Is This the World’s Most Creative Manufacturer? écrit par Josh Dean pour Inc. “Comment la société de design Quirky utilise la puissance de la communauté pour développer, fabriquer et vendre une foule d’objets utiles” (“How the renegade design company Quirky uses the power of community to develop, make, and sell a torrent of useful objects.”), dit le sous-titre. Cet article n’est pas seulement un descriptif avec des schémas et des citations de communiqué de presse, c’est un article bien recherché et très complet sur cette entreprise qui vient de se lancer en France.

Voici donc la traduction française, j’ai juste adapté la mise en forme, ajouté quelques liens pour faciliter la compréhension, et coupé quelques passages car l’article original est très long? Donc voici quelques passages. Bonne lecture! Continue reading →

My Review of “How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global”

brand-breakout-bookIn October 2009, I covered the publication of the Best Global Brands ranking, underlining that none of the 100 brands came from emerging market countries in 2009. In one part of the report, called “Tomorrow’s Brand Leaders, Up-and-Coming Global Brands,” Interbrand China’s Jonathan Chajet nevertheless listed a couple of brands that could become global in a near future, like companies from China (Lenovo, Haier, Tsingtao), India (Tata, Reliance, ArcelorMittal), Russia (Kaspersky Lab, Aeroflot, Gazprom), South Africa (MTN, Anglo-American, SABMiller) and Brazil (Itaù, Vale, Natura). You can see some of them in my post (even if it’s written in German).

Some of these brands, like Lenovo, Haier, or Natura, are presented in a fascinating book called Brand Breakout: How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global, by N. Kumar (London Business School) and J-B. Steenkamp (University of North Carolina), which I just finished reading. Based on extensive field and desk research, the authors present 8 strategies that brands are taking to go global (the Brand Aquisition Route for Lenovo, the Asian Tortoise Route for Haier or the Natural Resources Route for Natura, for example).

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Skoda launches co-creation platform to crowdsource insights in China

skoda co-creation platforms screenshot

Click to get to the platform

As articles on Campaign disappear after a couple of days, being only available to paid subscribers, I thought I would do a blog post about Skoda’s latest co-creation/crowdsourcing initiative in China: the platform. It’s Campaign China that reports about this initiative, orchestrated by Leo Burnett Shanghai, that aims to gather consumer ideas about making driving, both inside and outside of the vehicle, more fun. Continue reading →

Companies increasingly use crowdsourcing strategicaly: Cisco’s I-Prize


The visualization of “design competitions” as described by Lampel, Jha & Bhalla (2012)

Actually both brands and companies increasingly use crowdsourcing in their strategies: brands do it often for marketing and communication, companies do in for innovation. The latter has been described in a recently published article: Test-Driving the Future: How Design Competitions Are Changing Innovation, written by three London researchers, and published in Academy of Management Perspectives. It focuses on innovation-related crowdsourcing, like Cisco’s and GE’s challenges. Let me give some information about the former in this post. Continue reading →

Un exemple de co-création communautaire :


La co-création communautaire (social co-creation) fait référence à la capacité des entreprises à fédérer une communauté de consommateurs pour co-créer avec eux des produits ou des services. Il s’agit d’un domaine qui n’est pas spécifique au web, mais qui est quand même très fortement corrélé avec les plateformes sociales qui pullulent sur la toile. Il y a quelque temps, Francis Gouillart critiquait les deux initiatives de co-création les plus connues : Dell IdeaStorm et MyStarbucksIdea. Selon lui, c’est bien beau de collecter des idées sur une plateforme centralisée, encore faut-il pouvoir les mettre en œuvre ! Ce billet vise à présenter un exemple très intéressant de co-création communautaire, celui de la chaîne de café  allemande Tchibo et son site (et merci à Volker Bilgram pour l’indice) Continue reading →