#Propaganda : La série ratée d’Arte sur le marketing (notamment participatif)

arte propaganda

Et si on faisait des mini-films sur la société de consommation, ses dérives et ses abus ?” s’est-on dit chez Arte. “Super idée ! Révélons enfin au monde ce qui se cache derrière ‘Storytelling’, ‘Content Marketing’ et autres ‘Marketing participatif’ avec lesquels on nous manipule” a dû rétorquer le stagiaire. “Mais en 5 minutes maximum, les gens veulent des formats courts !” a dû gueuler quelqu’un du fond de la pièce, pour finaliser le brief. Tout ça aboutit à une série de 10 mini-films entièrement réalisés en visuels de banques d’images… Continue reading →

My Favorites of April: Your Career At 30, Crowdfunding Stories & #CSReport2016

Image via IndieWire.com (click to access)

Image via IndieWire.com (click to access)

Very little time to write at the moment, but I did have time to read & watch some great content in April. My favorites include a documentary about crowdfunding, which is great in telling some entrepreneurs’ stories before/after they got massive funding from the crowd. There is also some advice for career choices around 30, a great Wired piece about VR pioneer Rony Abovitz or the State of Crowdsourcing 2016 report. Continue reading →

I Enjoyed Watching CitizenFour (The Documentary About Edward Snowden)

Edward Snowden (left) shows journalist Glenn Greenwald (right) how the encryption system works before sharing his leaked documents. Image via Spoilpolis.com.

Edward Snowden (left) shows journalist Glenn Greenwald (right) how the encryption system works before sharing his leaked documents.

I am probably quite late (the film was released in October 2014) but it just happens that I have seen CitizenFour tonight. “Citizenfour,” the codename that Snowden gave himself prior to getting public with the NSA spying scandal, is a very interesting documentary, impartial, objective, as any documentary should be, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary at this year’s 2015 Oscars. Continue reading →