In August: SoftBank’s Vision Fund, Target’s Vision Connect App & Investors’ Crypto Awakening

target app

Milkos/iStock via

Here are some very interesting summer reads I would like to spread the word about. A cool portrait of a Japanese star-investor, a fabulous co-creative tool used by the American supermarket chain Target, a rather sad article about deceived crypto investors and more. I still enjoy reading about tech, growth and the challenges brought along by success and growth. It’s so easy to look at companies and their policies in hindsight and/or from the outside, criticizing their choices and policies. But one ought to remember that people build companies, and that people are limited, biased, imperfect trying to make the most of themselves and the organizations they work for. Continue reading →

Discussion With LEGO’s Community Strategist, Yun Mi Antorini

Yun Mi Antorini

LEGO, one of the most creative and loved brands in the world, attributes a big part of its success to its thriving fan community. Almost 10 million Facebook fans, over 180,000 Twitter followers or a 10,000+ member LEGO Ideas community show that the brand and its product have huge traction among kids and adults alike (watch this TED talk to have a short impression of the phenomenon). The company has not only recognized the power of this fanbase, realized how valuable it is, but they actively encourage its development and look for its well-being – from a passive observer to an active promoter.

I’ve already blogged about community management in a crowdsourcing setting, now here’s an interview of LEGO’s “Community Strategist,” Yun Mi Antorini, whose job is – basically- to make that community happy (how cool is that?). Continue reading →

Oxylane Launches (Another) Sports-Related Open Innovation Platform

Today (February 12th) the Open Oxyale page is still in teaser mode. Click to access

Today (February 12th) the Open Oxyale page is still in teaser mode. Click to access

On April 1st, Oxylane Group will launch “Open Oxylane,” a sports-related open innovation platform. That’s what the French trade magazine LSA reported yesterday. Despite the launch date, it’s probably serious business. Oxylane Group, which runs the Decathlon department stores, has already made inroads into co-creation and open innovation: in October 2011 I blogged about b’Twin Lab, a co-creation platform dedicated to cycling products (which has closed since), and in April 2012 I blogged about a series of contests run by the same brand with Local Motors. These didn’t seem to have been a success, but with Open Oxylane, the company keeps pushing.
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Jan Marcinek (@Kryspin) Launches in the Czech Republic


This week, Jan Marcinek from Czech Republic launched his crowdsourcing platform, Why do I blog about this? Because I have interviewed Jan for my thesis a couple of times in the past, and discovered a passionate and talented young man who wanted other creatives to get the same opportunities than he got. Jan, alias Kryspin, is indeed a successful crowdsourcing participant, and wanted to launch a local platform in the Czech Republic. Now, he did just that. Here’s a short Q&A with Jan. Continue reading →

Jeremiah Owyang Présente Crowd Companies à Le Web Paris


Cet après-midi, à Le Web Paris, Jeremiah Owyang a présenté son dernier projet: Crowd Companies. Dans sa présentation “Is Your Company Ready For The Next Ten Years?” (Votre entreprise est-elle prête pour les 10 prochaines années?), il a présenté quelques entreprises qui, se basant sur les ressources apportées par la foule, bousculent des industries établies: Airbnb qui se frotte à l’hôtellerie, Uber qui embête les chauffeurs de taxis et d’autres. Les habitudes de consommation changent, et Crowd Companies a pour projet d’aider les grandes entreprises à s’adapter à l’essor de la consommation collaborative, de la fabrication à domicile (maker mouvement) et de la co-création entre clients. Continue reading →

Crowdsourcing As A Way to Get Creative Ideas and Content – #SEMPL15

Click to see article (PDF)Any Slovenian-speaking readers of this blog? If yes, the click on the image left to read “Množičenje kot način pridobivanja kreativnih idej in vsebin,” which could be translated into “Crowdsourcing as a way to get creative ideas and content,” published in the Slovenian Marketing Magazin before SEMPL15, where I’ll speak about crowdsourcing in video advertising at the end of this month.

Simona Kruhar Gaberšček told me that crowdsourcing doesn’t have a translation in Slovenian, and that they chose to call it množičenje, a word that is almost unknown by Google Search, even though Google Translate tells me it’s close to the Slovenian for Dowel. Anyway. For those of you who don’t talk Slovenian, here’s the translation of the interview (links have been added by myself). Continue reading →

A Tour of Quirky’s Headquarters in New York City [Photos]

Quirky Product Eval Behind The Scenes

In NYC for a week (holidays), I thought it would be a great opportunity to visit Quirky, this interesting company that “makes invention accessible.” I’ve already written about Quirky a number of times, both in English and in French, and I was excited to get visit their office on Thursday night, and to attend the product evaluation session, or “Quirky Eval.” The photos are by @maelroth and me – only mine are bad in quality. Continue reading →