I will be interviewing Seth Godin at Yes We Trust Summit, come join me 🤲

Yes We Trust Summit is this year’s most ambitious privacy event, gathering marketers, compliance & tech executives around the idea that privacy drives trust and growth. Find our more on yes-we-trust.com.

A couple of years ago, I have shared – in French and on this blog – how much I enjoyed reading Seth Godin’s book “Tribes,” which almost energized me to the point of launching my company! Much more recently, I have also read his classic “Permission Marketing” and, I don’t remember when exactly when I watched it, but I also warmly recommend the hilarious “This is broken” TED Talk from 2006.

He will be one of the star speakers at Yes We Trust Summit, and I will have the pleasure to moderate the Q&A with the audience.

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I’ll be sharing some of my experience in running webinars (come & say hi! 👋)

Hi everyone! Some of you may not follow me on Linkedin or on Twitter, so I’m dropping a short blog post to (1) let you know I now work as Head of Marketing at Didomi and (2) invite you to an upcoming webinar I am organizing. I usually don’t do this here, but it’s a first time for me, and I’d be keen to have some of you on board. Continue reading →

Articles I enjoyed in the last five (!) months: Switching jobs, the risk of VC investment & Parisian etiquette

paris etiquetteThe last blog post I wrote about my favorite articles dates 5 months back. It feels like an eternity.

These have been pretty eventful: I switched from one tech company to another, have taken time for myself between both jobs, picked up running quite seriously again, spent a lot of time reading, and – now – we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. Crazy. Let me share 10 tweets from the last five months… which may or may not be related to the above events. Continue reading →

My Favorites in November: Advertising in 60 Seconds, Problematic Crowd Work & The Parisian Lifestyle

History of Advertising Timeline

This was a special month here in Paris, especially the second half, with the terrorist attacks and the start of the COP21 climate conference shrouding the city in a very particular atmosphere. Much more security, armed forces on almost every street corner, helicopters, heads of state… it’s not the usual Parisian life. But nevertheless, the earth keeps spinning, people will not stop going into bars and cafés, and I won’t stop sharing my favorite inspirations neither. Here are some tweets about entrepreneurship, marketing, creativity, crowd labor and Paris (of course). Make sure to look at the short video about Google’s “Alive Memory” project in Russia. Continue reading →

« Title Heroes » – The Benefits Of Doctoral Studies To Boost Corporate Careers

titel helden handelblatt karriere artikel

The article in “Karriere” which is a “Handelsblatt” magazine. Illustrations by Anja Stichler

This article is a translation of an article I read in the German magazine Handelsblatt Karriere recently (issue nb 4, year 2014), called “Titel-Helden” (Title Heroes) written by Eva-Maria Hommel. The article addresses the interesting question of working on a PhD early in a corporate career, and I felt it was interesting enough to be shared with an English-speaking audience, beyond the relatively small number of people who speak German in this world. I believe it is an insightful article that shows the German specificity of valuing the PhD beyond academia, which is the case in France or the US, and bridging the gap between both worlds. Note that the translation is an exact translation, which I tried to make as easy to read as possible, just removing a very few passages. Illustrations, links, emphases or bold passages have been added by myself. Continue reading →

Should Creative Crowdsourcing Participants Get Working Contracts And Salaries?

For one year, there have been two important legal events that could shape the future of the crowdsourcing landscape. First, on October 26th 2012, one-time Crowdflower worker Christopher Otey filed a lawsuit (PDF) against Crowdflower alleging that the platform violated the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act. Second, on October 22nd 2013, a group of Yelp reviewers filed a class-action lawsuit (PDF) against the business review site, claiming that they are unpaid writers who are vital to the company’s existence. These two lawsuits are claiming Labor law applications to micro-task crowdsourcing activities.

Could this happen in creative crowdsourcing?

Up to this day, neither of these lawsuits -which have very similar claims- have been closed, which shrouds the entire crowdsourcing industry in a big question mark. In this post, I briefly describe these cases, clarify the legal situation in the U.S. and in France, and tell whether creative crowdsourcing participants should get working contracts with platforms and sponsors – or not. Continue reading →

Does Common Culture Affect Work Attribution in Crowdsourcing?


Click to see the working paper

Crowdsourcing fundamentally transforms the way we work, particularly in creative industries or – on the other hand – in the execution of low-qualification tasks with platforms such as MTurk or oDesk. I’ve recently read a working paper about the latter, the marketplace for work oDesk (which has an army of researchers, mostly to analyze log data, see these cool visualizations). This paper particularly seeks to understand how culture impacts the attribution of work to people via oDesk. Or in other words: Do Indians from abroad attribute work more to Indians from the home country than to others, with similar qualification? Continue reading →