Did You Notice The Cyclists in Air France #FranceIsInTheAir Spot?

Image via AirFrance.fr

It’s been 2 weeks since Air France’s latest spot, France Is In The Air, is running internationally. The 45-second advertisement is part of the brand’s new global campaign, which started on April 2nd with print, radio and web ads in 12 countries (including Brazil, China, the USA, Russia, Senegal or Switzerland). What I like about it is that it has an Evian Babies feel to it: a stylish and simplified background, people swinging (instead of swimming) through the screen in a gracious manner, a focus on music rather than words. A very nice creative, mixing retro and glamor, like the print ads. But have you noticed the cyclists?

There’s nothing that looks more like a plane than another plane,Tiphaine du Plessis, associate director at BETC, the agency behind the campaign, told l’ADN. The strength of the company lies in “its roots, the French state of mind: when you put one foot in an Air France plane, you are already somewhat in France,” she says. The campaign plays on the globally recognized “positive values” like its traditions, history, gastronomy, architecture or music.

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News Coverage About Crowdsourcing

what is crowdsourcing CBS news

On this blog I’ve gathered academic representations of crowdsourcing, whitepapers about the same, or videos about crowdsourcing platforms by OVC – all of which I try to update regularly. But let’s be honest, this is mainly niche content that interests academics, thought leaders or crowdsourcing participants, and does not tell much how the rest of the world perceives crowdsourcing.

Yet, in a world where crowdsourcing is getting mainstream, it might be even more interesting to broaden our perspectives a bit, and to see how mainstream media treats the topic. If you look up “crowdsourcing” on YouTube you will find lots of conferences, panels, student projects and explainer videos. But what about real media coverage about crowdsourcing? Here’s a list of clips that discussed crowdsourcing in the news (mainly on TV), presented in chronological order (years). I will try to keep it updated.

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Avis Sur Spécial Investigation (Canal+) Évoquant le Crowdsourcing

Lundi 14 Octobre à 22h25 et ce dimanche vers 17h, Canal+ a diffusé un Spécial Investigation sur “Travailler Plus Pour Gagner… Rien”. Un reportage très intéressant qui souligne des phénomènes de société comme le travail précaire dans les compagnies low-cost, l’abus dans l’embauche de stagiaires, le travail mal rémunéré à Disney World et… la participation de créatifs au crowdsourcing. Pour traiter ce sujet, le réalisateur Pierre-Emmanuel Luneau Daurignac présente la société eYeka (dont je suis salarié), un membre de la communauté (Julien Beuvry) et un client (Philippe Claverol, Head of DS Line chez Citroën). Malgré l’angle éditorial très orienté, le sujet est plutôt bien traité. Néanmoins, le reportage comporte quelques erreurs qu’il convient de rectifier.

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