In April: @WSJ about Finance, @TakieDelaRu about Homelessness & @Sunweb’s Indefinite Sponsorship

tom dumoulin

Photo by Tim De Waele, via

Today, Tom Dumoulin rolled into Pink at the Giro d’Italia (held in Jerusalem!). I know, this is May, not April… but I mention this because one of my favorite pieces of news in April is about Sunweb’s sponsorship engagement. His team has signed an unprecedented new agreement with its title sponsor, which will back the team on an indefinite basis. Other cool articles are about artificial intelligence, the evolution of finance in the last 10 years… or a very moving Russian animation about homeless people.

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“Open your Mouth. Show Attitude.” @AnjaReschke1’s Comment Against Hate Speech (in English)

In a time where Europe sees increasing news coverage about migrants both inside (ex: Paris, Calais) and outside its borders (ex: Syria, Lybia), there is a worrying uptake of public hate speech on the internet and attacks on refugee shelters. Yesterday evening, in the German television news program Tagesschau, broadcast on the German public-service television network ARD, Anja Reschke made a 2-minute, important statement on German public TV: “Open Your Month, Show Attitude.” While anyone can have an opinion on the way – and the extent to which – countries should receive and help migrants, there a universal, important message in what she said. Here it is in English (links and bold passages added by myself). Continue reading →

Help us raise 13,500€ for children in South-East Asia (and finish Ironman France)

Cheering crowd

Enfants du Mékong supporters at the “20km de Paris” race in 2012. That’s were Antoine and I noticed their involvement in sports!

Hello all, I would like to present you a project that we have with a friend: that of competing at Ironman France in June 2013 and – more importantly – raising funds for an NGO called Enfants du Mékong (Children of Mekong). Enfants du Mékong is a French NGO that focuses on helping the youth in South-East Asia, mostly by allowing people to sponsor a child’s education, but also by supporting local development projects like building schools (see map below in this post).

We will participate in the financing of a pre-school in Bou Sra (Cambodgia) which costs 13,500€ to run for 3 years. The more we collect, the easier it will be for Enfants du Mékong to set up the school there… I’d like you to help us achieve our funding goal! Continue reading →

Will co-creative strategies lead to greater good?

reaching hands

Co-creation, which can be defined as the active, creative and social process of collaboration between producers and consumers,  is definitely a trend. What started with pioneering initiatives in IT (Orange and Cisco), sports (Nike+Apple) or commodities (Starbucks) is now seen as a major transformation of business. A recent report showed that ALL surveyed firms considered co-creation to be key in the future, whether it be for innovation, marketing or distribution purposes. A German consultant, Achim Feige, created a matrix called “Good Business Matrix”, which describes businesses along 4 axes. In 2 of these 4 axes (brand community and brand performance), co-creation is considered to be the most advanced level… the “Good Brand”-level. Now are co-creating companies better companies than the others? Continue reading →

Don’t underestimate the gamers !

In a previous post about personal branding (in French), I mentioned the fact that some recruters leverage the gaming-platform World of Warcraft (WOW) to hunt for good managers. Think about it : multitasking, team management, organisation and communication skills… everything that we can find in job offers ! According to Jane McGonigal, we’re also more inclined to collaborate in game world than we are in real world. Knowing that collaboration and engagement seems to be the holy grail of a lot of companies out there (at least on paper), gaming might be a solution. Continue reading →

Que reste-t-il du rêve de l’internet ?


Merci au blog collaboratif Nous Les Geeks de m’avoir donné la parole au sujet du dernier livre que j’ai lu : Rêveurs, marchands et pirates, Que reste-t-il du rêve de l’internet (Joël Faucilhon, éditions Le Passager Clandestin). Un livre court, engagé et éclairé sur les nouveaux business-models du web qui sont, selon l’auteur, en contradiction avec l’idéal fondateur d’internet. Voici le post entier.

“Consommer moins – consommer mieux”, débat entre J-M Pelt et Serge Papin, éd. Autrement


Céline Rouden, responsable du service politique du journal La Croix, a réuni pour ce livre Serge Papin, président vendéen de la coopérative de commerçants Système U, et Jean-Marie Pelt, fondateur de l’Institut européen d’écologie. Sur une petite centaine de pages, les deux hommes aux points-de-vue a priori opposés débatent de la société, de la consommation et de l’avenir de notre modèle de société. “Ce livre d’entretiens tente d’esquisser les voies de ce qui pourrait être […] une société de l’après-consommation“, précise l’auteure dans l’introduction.

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